Here you can sdee Tufte style axes in 3D. The axis affect is achieved by shifting axes, ticks and labels.
The command \pgfplotspointouternormalvectorofticklabelaxis{x} is a shortcut for \pgfplotspointouternormalvectorofaxis{\pgfplotsticklabelaxisspec{x}}. The documentation for \pgfplotspointouternormalvectorofticklabelaxis is missing in the reference manual.
Note that this shift is incompatible with the grid lines (by construction!). To see this, try to add grid=major and you will see the the descriptions would be slightly off.
This example was written by Christian Feuersänger on TeX.SE.
Edit and compile if you like:\documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \def\axisdefaultwidth{360pt} \pgfplotsset{ every axis/.append style = {thick},tick style = {thick,black}, % % #1 = x, y, or z % #2 = the shift value /tikz/normal shift/.code 2 args = {% \pgftransformshift{% \pgfpointscale{#2}{\pgfplotspointouternormalvectorofticklabelaxis{#1}}% }% },% % range3frame/.style = { tick align = outside, scaled ticks = false, enlargelimits = false, ticklabel shift = {10pt}, axis lines* = left, line cap = round, clip = false, xtick style = {normal shift={x}{10pt}}, ytick style = {normal shift={y}{10pt}}, ztick style = {normal shift={z}{10pt}}, x axis line style = {normal shift={x}{10pt}}, y axis line style = {normal shift={y}{10pt}}, z axis line style = {normal shift={z}{10pt}}, } } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[range3frame, view={55}{45}] \addplot3[surf, colormap/hot2, samples=41, domain=0:360] {sin(x)*sin(y)}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}