This is one I like from my thesis. It illustrates the predicted boundaries for boundary layer transition mechanisms on a cylindrical afterbody at incidence:
- free shear-layer instability,
- ttachment-line instability,
- cross-flow instability,
- streamwise-flow instability.
\documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{width=7cm,compat=1.8} %% free shear-layer instability (fsli) \pgfmathdeclarefunction{fsli}{1}{% \pgfmathparse{ tan(#1)/( cos(#1)*( 1 + 3.3*((tan(#1))^2) ) ) }% }% % %% attachment-line instability (ali) \pgfmathdeclarefunction{ali}{1}{% \pgfmathparse{ 1.1*tan(#1)*(1/cos(#1)) }% }% % %% cross-flow instability (csi) \pgfmathdeclarefunction{csi}{1}{% \pgfmathparse{ 0.145*( ( 1 + 3.3*(tan(#1))^2 ) / sin(#1) ) }% }% % %% streamwise-flow instability (sfi) \pgfmathdeclarefunction{sfi}{1}{% \pgfmathparse{ 4 }% }% % %% piecewise function (combining ali, csi and sfi) \pgfmathdeclarefunction{alicsisfi}{1}{% \pgfmathparse{% (and( #1>=1 , #1<=25.78) * ( ali(x) ) +% (and( #1>25.78 , #1<=70.00) * ( csi(x) ) +% (and( #1>70.00 , #1<=89.99) * ( sfi(x) ) % }% }% \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % set style options for annotations with pins (see bottom of tikzpicture) \tikzset{% every pin/.style={draw=none, fill=none, %rectangle,rounded corners=0pt, font=\scriptsize} } \begin{semilogyaxis}[% % view={0}{90}, width=0.50\linewidth,height=0.75\linewidth, % scale only axis, axis on top=false, axis lines*=box, % xmin=0, xmax=90, xtick={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90}, xlabel={\raisebox{0pt}[\height][\depth]{$\alpha$ (deg)}}, % ymin=0.1, ymax=10, ytick={0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, yticklabels={0.1,0.2,{},0.4,{},0.6,{},0.8,{},1.0,2,{},4,{},6,{},8,{},10}, ylabel={\raisebox{0pt}[\height][\depth]{$R_D \times 10^{6}$}}, ] %% fsli (start stacking) \addplot[ domain=1:89.99,samples=225, draw=none,fill=none,mark=none, stack plots=y] { fsli(x) }; % %% stack difference between alicsisfi (upper) and fsli (lower) curves on top of fsli and fill area \addplot[ domain=1:89.99,samples=225, draw=none, fill=black!10, stack plots=y] { max( alicsisfi(x) - fsli(x) , 0 ) } % area above fsli and below alicsisfi \closedcycle; %% fsli, alpha = [1 , 89.99] \addplot[ domain=1:89.99,samples=225, solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none] { fsli(x) }; %% ali (1), alpha = [1 , 25.78] \addplot[ domain=1:25.78,samples=62, solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none] { ali(x) }; % %% ali (2), alpha = [25.78 , 89.99] \addplot[ domain=25.78:89.99,samples=163, dashed,draw=black,mark=none] { ali(x) }; %% csi (1), alpha = [1 , 25.78] \addplot[ domain=1:89.99,samples=62, dashed,draw=black,mark=none] { csi(x) }; % %% csi (2), alpha = [25.78 , 70] \addplot[ domain=25.78:70,samples=112, solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none] { csi(x) }; % %% csi (3), alpha = [70 , 89.99] \addplot[ domain=70:89.99,samples=174, dashed,draw=black,mark=none] { csi(x) }; %% sfi (1), alpha = [1 , 70] \addplot[ domain=1:70,samples=350, dashed,draw=black,mark=none] { sfi(x) }; % %% sfi (2), alpha = [70 , 89.99] \addplot[ domain=70:89.99,samples=51, solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none] { sfi(x) }; %% annotations (see style options for pins set with \tikzset above) \node[coordinate,pin=-95:{1}] at (axis cs:50,0.326) {}; \node[coordinate,pin=-30:{2}] at (axis cs:23.3,0.5158) {}; \node[coordinate,pin=below right:{3}] at (axis cs:52.3,1.196) {}; \node[coordinate,pin=80:{4}] at (axis cs:77.5,4) {}; % \node[draw=black,fill=white] at (axis cs:47,0.16) {\emph{laminar regime}}; \node[draw=black,fill=white] at (axis cs:60,0.52) {\emph{short bubble regime}}; \node[draw=black,fill=white] at (axis cs:30,3.95) {\emph{turbulent regime}}; \end{semilogyaxis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}