Density map in ternary diagram

This is a ternary diagram where each point does has a fourth value, besides the three that are the coordinates. Instead of stating this fourth value as a node next to each plotted point, the points should be coloured according to their value.

This code was posted by eject on TeX.SE.

Ternary diagram

Edit and compile if you like:
  \begin{ternaryaxis}[colorbar, colormap/jet,
    xmin = 0,
    xmax = 100,
    ymin = 0,
    ymax = 100,
    zmin = 0,
    zmax = 100, 
    xlabel = component 1,
    ylabel = component 2,
    zlabel = component 3,
    grid   = both,
    label style    = {sloped},
    minor tick num = 3,
  \addplot3+[only marks, 
    point meta=\thisrow{myvalue}, %  uses ’point meta’ as color data.
    nodes near coords*={\tiny{\pgfmathprintnumber\myvalue}}, %does what it says
    visualization depends on={\thisrow{myvalue} \as \myvalue} %defines visualization dependency
  ] table {
    x       y       z       myvalue
    10      0       90      7.1
    40      0       60      9.2
    50      0       50      9.8
    70      0       30      8.5
    20      30      50      5.5
    20      20      40      5
    20      50      30      4.8
    30      40      30      6.3
    30      20      50      7.1
    40      20      40      7.8
    40      30      30      7.4
    40      40      20      6.9
    40      50      10      6.7
    10      10      80      4.7
    10      20      70      4.2
    10      30      60      3.7
    10      40      50      3.5
    10      50      40      3.2
    10      70      20      4.8
    10      80      10      5.2
    50      30      20      7.8
    50      20      30      8.3
    60      10      30      9
    70      20      10      9.2
    80      10      10      9.9
    20      10      70      6.2
    40      60      0       6.6
    70      30      0       9.3
    50      10      40      8.9
    20      20      60      5.9
Click to download: ternary-diagram-density-map.texternary-diagram-density-map.pdf